Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I know my stuff. SSM said so.

Officially done Unit 3 MSK. I can't believe this day has finally come. It's been a crazy three weeks and I can't believe I made it out alive. The last stretching of studying for my final exam in 1.5 days, going through the material once before writing it... all I have to say is WOW! It's amazing how much someone can be pushed. I don't think I've been stretched this much in... ever possibly. I'm exhausted...and can't wait to start my clinical on monday!!!

I'm starting my basic MSK clinical. My first choice was originally the amputee population but I was given geriatric community care (4th choice) instead. Wasn't too thrilled in the beginning but I'm really excited now. I think it will be a great learning experience to work in the community cuz I won't be surrounded by all these fantastic equipment and human resources. It will force me to be more creative, independent and resourceful....and those things will be helpful in the future, when I go overseas. It will also be cool to see the role of physio throughout the continuum of care, since most of my exposure thus far in the program has been in the hospital setting.

I've officially by deemed unconsciously competent by ssm (haha!). No more sports bras and sweats. I'm excited to enter the real world again =)


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