Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why I Run

Been studying for the upcoming national, licencing exam. Spent 14hrs at Gerstein yesterday. Got home at 11pm and went for a run on the treadmill. Since I didn't want to run until 12am, I upped the intensity to get the same effect. 20min into the run, I felt like I was going to throw up.
I had to stop :(

On another note, this is why I run.

I run to go fast
I run to win
I run for the view
I run with friends
I run to help others
I run to lose weight
I run to keep it off
I run to feel the wind on my face
I run for the high
I run because, it is my time
I run to beat my personal best
I run to be an example to my kids
I run to make a difference
I run to enjoy nature
I run everywhere
I run all the time
I run when I feel like it
I run so I can clear my mind
I run to feel the burn
I run to conquer that hill
I run to catch the runner ahead of me
I run to stay ahead of the pack
I run because, it makes me feel good
I run to see the sun rise
I run to blaze a trail
I run to enjoy the solitude
I run to hear my breath
I run to coast at my natural rhythm
I run to reflectI run to meditate
I run to gain perspective
I run to think
I run because

I am a runner.

(Taken from my friend's fb note, which was taken from Patrick Pressoir)


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