Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Monday, July 17, 2006

One of the major concepts that i learned in animal behavior was sexual selection:

females seek resources, while
males seek fertility/fecundity (conveyed through female appearance)

I had a chance to see this live out in the last couple of days.
I'm reminded why i'm sticking to my two 'C's.

When will sexual selection select for superficiality?


  • At 10:47 p.m., Blogger Sam Hsieh said…

    i'd say...them textbooks got it all wrong.

    men just want a beauty to fight for, protect, and cherish...someone who will accept them with the warts 'n all.

    deep thoughts? or just the meanderings of a sap? meh

    let's go for stinky the very near future again! =D

  • At 7:32 p.m., Blogger Melody said…

    mmm... stinky tofu! i'm up for that too sam! :) and sam, i can see you're learning a lot from your missing "wild@heart" book.

    yeah, i was wondering what the two Cs are too...


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