Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goodlife Fitness Toronto Half Mararthon

21.1km in 1.53hrs.
Two days of limping.
Can't wait for next time :)

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Symptoms of a herniated disc. I'm breaking down.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

19 days until the long anticipated half marathon
50 days until the PNE
18 days since I started full time work

Current injuries:

1) Morton's neuroma
2) Plantar fasciitis
3) ITB syndrome
...muscle imbalance contributing to all of these. Runners are crazy heh :)

Up to 15.9km. Going for 19km next time.

Monday, August 31, 2009

FINALLY done grad school.

Miss. BSc Hon, MSc PT

End of an era.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Over the hill

The past 7 weeks was quite the adventure.
I normally complain alot about the craziness of school since the program started 21 months ago but I have never imagined that I would be pushed to own boundaries these last months.

The last 7 weeks consisted of 2hrs commutes, 8-10 work hours and evening studying on workdays for the national exam, 10hr study days on weekends and school assignments here and there. Oh and lots of tears, anxiety and prayer along the way. It was hard and I am glad it's over. At the end of the day, I learned alot about handling stress, time management and studying skills. School seems like non-bake cheesecake now, which is why I am ready to PLAY!!!!
Woot! Summer!!! I have resumed jogging and looking forward to all the trips ahead, softball and ultimate games as well as simply enjoying the buzzing of flying invertebrates on a humid summer night.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Why I Run

Been studying for the upcoming national, licencing exam. Spent 14hrs at Gerstein yesterday. Got home at 11pm and went for a run on the treadmill. Since I didn't want to run until 12am, I upped the intensity to get the same effect. 20min into the run, I felt like I was going to throw up.
I had to stop :(

On another note, this is why I run.

I run to go fast
I run to win
I run for the view
I run with friends
I run to help others
I run to lose weight
I run to keep it off
I run to feel the wind on my face
I run for the high
I run because, it is my time
I run to beat my personal best
I run to be an example to my kids
I run to make a difference
I run to enjoy nature
I run everywhere
I run all the time
I run when I feel like it
I run so I can clear my mind
I run to feel the burn
I run to conquer that hill
I run to catch the runner ahead of me
I run to stay ahead of the pack
I run because, it makes me feel good
I run to see the sun rise
I run to blaze a trail
I run to enjoy the solitude
I run to hear my breath
I run to coast at my natural rhythm
I run to reflectI run to meditate
I run to gain perspective
I run to think
I run because

I am a runner.

(Taken from my friend's fb note, which was taken from Patrick Pressoir)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Went on my first outdoor run of the year this past weekend.
Ran > 16km along lakeshore. It felt so amazing to be able to run beside the water.