Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Sunday, February 06, 2005

korean dramas

at this point...anything to procrastinate.. hence the early oncoming blog entries. What's the saying....'familiarity breeds contempt"?...neuro & i have reached that stage. We'll make up later.

'...girl and boy grew up togehter in the orphanage..girl was an orphage...but the boy was the son of the couple who started the orphanage. Girl and boy grew up together, played together.... like what mandar's would say.. "ching may ju ma"..(i'm not sure exactly how to translate it but basically they're meant to be together) both grow up.. the feelings are mutual..and grow stronger. However the other boys from the orphanage don't like they pick on him becaues they like girl. Mother sees this and offers girl uni admission & scholarship if she tells boy1 to leave her alone, she doesn't like him. She does just that..but boy1 is persistent..he doesn't let love slip just like that.. he goes after her...asking her why. The other boys sees him and beat him up...boy goes to hospital. Mother gets really upset and tell the girl to leave the orphanage (they're probably around 20..she helps out there)...she begs..but nothing. She leaves..boy finds out she left and choses love over his mother. He finds her and she tells him it was her idea to leave.. she doesn't love him anymore..."

all in 1 episode. You've gotta love these korean dramas but on the other hand...they provide a parallel for romantic comedies in western society.

Romantic Comedies..(although i thoroughly enjoy them myself) Benneth suggests..they creat expectations for viewers...& increased pressure on the bf's to live up to that expectation.."look at her bf...he's so funny"...*ahem, it's called Warner Brothers*..

Similarily, in eastern culture you have these melodramas...some tragic love story..that makes your heart break as each hour passes. One template often followed is the almost perfect, competent, weak and submissive girl and the determined boy (as in the above example)..who by various reasons are obviously destined to be together but for whatever reason cannot be. Usually the girl takes on the role of "saving" the boy the burden or heartache of knowing the true reason why she has to leave. This my friends, instead of creating expectations for men, the standard is some what set for the ladies. I feel like Stusky..ha haa..using my 'media awareness' here. First off...when someone tries to "save" you of any hurt when the issue is between the two of you...i think that's actually selfish..because although it might seem noble from the eyes of a view, if you were the guy...or the person being "saved from"..wouldn't you want to do what's up?'s like 'thank you for making my choice for me just because you think i'm gonna get hurt'.. perhaps that's just me, i would want to know. In that sense, if i were in a korean drama, it would be tempting to be like the all dramatic and appear so noble and doing the right thing..but on the other hand..if the person i loved did that to me, i'd want to know..'..

drama is so overrated....sure it's relevant but is it really necessary? ..amanda me the tears and "noble" is not selfish but..can't selfishness be incognito? .. those koreans really know how to make their series.


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