Matters on a. Mandar's Heart

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Reading Week

FINALY! oh my...i am truely exhausted...TRUELY

So...i had my last (first set) of midterms today (plant phys)...i started studying at 5pm yesterday..til 8pm...oc...then 9-5am..and as i sat there, writing the exam first, i was semi-cursing myself...then crying inside...finally i sucked it up and started filling in the rest of the bubbles. I honestly don't know if i even passed the exam. Before plant i got my molecular bio mark back... i thought i aced it...turns out to be my lowest mark so far in 2nd year...that wasn't very nice...never check your marks before you have an exam..what a way to unmotivate you.. sigh. I duno what's wrong with me...i thought i aced it..i was so confident...AHHHH....i was suppose to go to friday night dinner w/ the grandparents..but i couldn't..lost my appetite...lost all emotion.. went to fellowship...dinner...felt better.'s so hard to be thankful when i'm "walking through the desert place.."...but thank you for that 61%...Prrrraise you!!!! =)'s better than 60%...or 59%..anything that ends with a 9 sucks...thank you Jesus.

so hard..when i was driving to church tonight..i felt like crap..worse than normal crap...DIAHREA CRAP.. sigh...then i realized how much i base my worth on my marks..most of us are like that..but who can say it doesn't hurt when you genuinly put your effort and time into someting only to not see the fruit of your labors..? most of us have probably been there.. It also dawned on me how much i've focuzed on school this this God's way of "refocuzing" me?...i'm so embarassed and ashamed to say..but when my marks are up there..i "praise" God..but i take the majority of the credit- "it was because of MY hardwork and studying"...yet when my marks drop like the communists..suddenly i try to convince myself..'oh, God is there for me, he has the plans for me..blah blah blah.." arr..I use him to console myself when it sucks and push him aside when all is i guess sometimes, i be at this rock bottom point before my chinky eyes can see Light.

Humble me Lord. If it takes a 60%, let it be


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