Busy busyness. In a good way.
The last couple of weeks consisted of diverse and eventful things. Some more demanding than others. Some more interesting and entertaining than others but overall just eventful. Some highlights..
- OC (oasis fellowship committee) meeting... we got alot done! YAY...and relatively we weren't as distracted as other times...i'm looking forward to our summer retreat.
- SixDays (Capstone) worship night at tcac... amazing. Wow. I'll leave it at that.
- Christ Awareness Days @ utsc...i think the guy's name is Tony Costa..he came for a Q/A kinda thing. I had an exam during that time frame so only made it for the last 30min. Even though only a sitcom can fit into that period of time..in 30min this guy covered many diverse issues. He seems to konw his stuff.
- UofT Gospel Choir...this group of people are truely blessed. They sound so amazing and their songs of praise is a great way to testify about God. If you ever get an opportunity, hear them out! ...i also noticed one of my TA's up there..pretty cool =)
- midterm #6 done....don't ask me how it went..i really don't know. If i did horrible i wouldn't be surprised...if i aced it, i wouldn't be surprised either. I guess we'll find out next week. Only 2 more to go in the next 2 weeks...then 2 weeks of tying up lose ends
- forgot to turn off the car's headlights again...for 8hrs..waited 1hr in the car for CAA to come. They lie!...i ended up getting home around 8:30 with an exam the next time. Ha haa.. but what's life without such events.. predictability/security is too overrated. Hence my absent-mindedness spices things up.
- Mickle asked if we can start doing devos together...pray for us =) ...thanks for asking babe!
Haven't been online much. I'm getting use to this 10hrs of school a day kinda thing. Makes studying more efficient b/c i'm less distracted. Good stuff.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. One of my bestfriends from when i was young is coming to T.O (from Ottawa) for her med school interview @ UT and she's going to be staying with us. We're gonna play tourists on saturday and major catch up... yay..i'm really excited =))
A recent issues that's come up is allowing others to photocopy my notes. 2 instances with 2 diff ppl...both for the 2 neuroscience courses. In neuro, he gives us lecture notes to print out but it's so minimal so i record each lecture and listen to it after, adding additional info to my babies. I spend around 8hrs each week just replaying, listening & writing from the tapes i've recorded from lecture..then cross reference w/ the text to add more. So as a result, i've become REALLY REALLY possessive/protective of my lecture notes. I don't know about other courses..but believe you me..good notes in bio courses makes all the difference. The problem.. these 2 guys have either skipped classes during the midterm rush or not take notes in class..and now wants to borrow mine. Sigh. I've talked to a few ppl about this.. i know they're just notes, not a big deal..but i put ALOT of work into them. And i just feel jipped and unfair sharing them w/ ppl who chose to sleep in and not put in the effort. It's a different story if the person asking also works really hard. Arg. Comment/suggestions?
...just to hint to the ending..well more like conclusion..i gave one of the guys my notes today and the other tmw. But i DON'T want to reinforce this kind of behavior!
The last couple of weeks consisted of diverse and eventful things. Some more demanding than others. Some more interesting and entertaining than others but overall just eventful. Some highlights..
- OC (oasis fellowship committee) meeting... we got alot done! YAY...and relatively we weren't as distracted as other times...i'm looking forward to our summer retreat.
- SixDays (Capstone) worship night at tcac... amazing. Wow. I'll leave it at that.
- Christ Awareness Days @ utsc...i think the guy's name is Tony Costa..he came for a Q/A kinda thing. I had an exam during that time frame so only made it for the last 30min. Even though only a sitcom can fit into that period of time..in 30min this guy covered many diverse issues. He seems to konw his stuff.
- UofT Gospel Choir...this group of people are truely blessed. They sound so amazing and their songs of praise is a great way to testify about God. If you ever get an opportunity, hear them out! ...i also noticed one of my TA's up there..pretty cool =)
- midterm #6 done....don't ask me how it went..i really don't know. If i did horrible i wouldn't be surprised...if i aced it, i wouldn't be surprised either. I guess we'll find out next week. Only 2 more to go in the next 2 weeks...then 2 weeks of tying up lose ends
- forgot to turn off the car's headlights again...for 8hrs..waited 1hr in the car for CAA to come. They lie!...i ended up getting home around 8:30 with an exam the next time. Ha haa.. but what's life without such events.. predictability/security is too overrated. Hence my absent-mindedness spices things up.
- Mickle asked if we can start doing devos together...pray for us =) ...thanks for asking babe!
Haven't been online much. I'm getting use to this 10hrs of school a day kinda thing. Makes studying more efficient b/c i'm less distracted. Good stuff.
I'm really looking forward to this weekend. One of my bestfriends from when i was young is coming to T.O (from Ottawa) for her med school interview @ UT and she's going to be staying with us. We're gonna play tourists on saturday and major catch up... yay..i'm really excited =))
A recent issues that's come up is allowing others to photocopy my notes. 2 instances with 2 diff ppl...both for the 2 neuroscience courses. In neuro, he gives us lecture notes to print out but it's so minimal so i record each lecture and listen to it after, adding additional info to my babies. I spend around 8hrs each week just replaying, listening & writing from the tapes i've recorded from lecture..then cross reference w/ the text to add more. So as a result, i've become REALLY REALLY possessive/protective of my lecture notes. I don't know about other courses..but believe you me..good notes in bio courses makes all the difference. The problem.. these 2 guys have either skipped classes during the midterm rush or not take notes in class..and now wants to borrow mine. Sigh. I've talked to a few ppl about this.. i know they're just notes, not a big deal..but i put ALOT of work into them. And i just feel jipped and unfair sharing them w/ ppl who chose to sleep in and not put in the effort. It's a different story if the person asking also works really hard. Arg. Comment/suggestions?
...just to hint to the ending..well more like conclusion..i gave one of the guys my notes today and the other tmw. But i DON'T want to reinforce this kind of behavior!
At 10:52 p.m.,
Justin C. said…
Hey, that sounds like a great trip to China. Now, as far as those guys are concerned I will give you my opinion. You may not agree with me, but thats okay. If they have not attended the meeting then there is no reason that you should be giving them your notes. I would ask them first where their notes are. If they say that they did not attend, then I would give them one more note and say "I am sorry but this is the last one I will be able to give you." They should get your drift. Good luck:)
At 12:59 p.m.,
Jaysfreak said…
Yeah! Tony Costa is great. He did "God on Trial" at Ryerson and he spoke at a retreat I went to. Pretty cool guy.
And ya, I sorta feel the same way with notes. It feels like such a "jip" when it keeps happening over and over again. It really depends on the person. If they're skipping just cuz they know they can "leech" off of you, then forget it.
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